Opening 6.00 – 8.00pm Thursday May 15 2014
To be officially opened at 6.30pm by Emma Ayres | Presenter – ABC Classic FM
Presented by Kick Gallery
Exhibition runs May 15 – June 1 2014
In her first exhibition with Kick Gallery Gillian Warden has produced a series of works that exemplify her pursuit of ‘a formless approach to painting’. In recent years Warden has refined her style and clarified her ideas to create a distinct visual language that blurs the boundaries between figurative, landscape and abstraction. The works that Warden creates are comprised of a wide palette of colour and through different techniques and approaches to the application of paint she is able to compose a varied yet cohesive group of paintings that match her aesthetic and intellectual intent.
Having completed a Masters of Fine Art at RMIT University in 2013 as well as having studied and worked in the graphic design field over many years, Warden has developed a sophisticated and nuanced understanding of her own art. Through this continued study, consistent exhibiting of her creative work, as well as through her on-going professional practice as a graphic designer, Warden has achieved a sense of resolution in her painting as well as, in many ways, liberated her own practice for further experimentation in the years to come.
Betanikl runs until June 1 2014
Kick Gallery is located at 4 Peel Street Collingwood
New opening hours Thu-Sun 12-5pm and by appointment
For further information please contact Kick Gallery on
(03) 9415 8483 | | or visit