Masters of Fine Art

‘What if…’

Moving to new ways of being with making art by Gillian Warden
2011 Master Of Fine Art Advanced Seminar Essay

Consideration of my artistic style has been an active and specific process for me since joining the Master Of Fine Art program. Indeed, the reason I enrolled was to help facilitate a change in my painting style. This is a journey of researching my ‘artistic truth’.

To read the complete essay download the PDF

Facing Defacing

A Formless Approach To Painting by Gillian Warden
Master Of Fine Art (by Coursework) 2012

In this studio-based research project I used abstract painting techniques to generate figurative imagery, landscape and portrait in ways that blur the boundaries between figure, landscape and abstraction. I  experimented with ideas of the ‘formless’ derived from Bataille to destabilise coherent categories and to vitalise a change in my painting style, methodology and conceptual intent.

You can download and read the complete Masters here